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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Giving Instructions

We have been learning how to write and give instructions.  Firstly we watched a you tube clip on how to make a paper helicopter.  We then wrote instructions on how to make the helicopter for a year 4 student to follow.  From this exercise we discovered written instructions alone were not adequate.  Therefore we discussed how we could improve by drawing diagrams along with the instructions, draw pictures/diagrams only and making a movie with oral instructions.  We have broken up into teams and trying out which set of instructions are most successful  You will have to wait for the outcome but this is how our written instructions worked out or not!!

This is us giving instructions and the outcome.

This is what the helicopter should have looked like.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Mini Camp

Whoever thought pitching tents, eating pikelets, and playing games in the sun could be so much fun!!  Egg throwing and catching was interesting especially when some people got egged.  Lastly we finished by having an Easter egg hunt.  It was really difficult as we had to find two halves of a laminated egg with the same pattern.  At times we had to negotiate with others that had the same pattern.

Nice and cosy!

Now you see us!

Now you don't!

You can always do with a mans touch.

How many people can fit in a tent?

My face does say yum, really!!

Cream, cream and more cream.

Catch that egg.

I've just been egged.

Evidence of getting egged, so funny

I finally found two halves that match.

Big decisions, what one to choose.