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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Fun in Mandarin

Come see how much fun we have learning Mandarin through music and movement with Bing.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

How do we measure objects and what equipment do we use??

In Year 3 we have been using measuring equipment to explore what it used to measure and the units we measure with.

First we used balance scales and weights to explore how much a piece of fruit or vegetable weighed.
We discovered:
1 apple weighed 139gms
1 mandarin weighed 74gms

We discovered:
1 apple weighed 150gms
1 plum weighed 280gms

We discovered:
1 mandarin weighed 70gms

We discovered:
1 apple weighed 99gms
1 carrot weighed 42gms

We discovered:
1 banana weighed 160gms
1 mandarin weighed 60gms

Next we used rulers, and tape measures to measure different things in the classroom.

We used a retractable tape measure to
find out how long a row of desks is.
We discovered it was 3.1m long.

We used a tape measure to measure the
length of the small whiteboard.
We discovered it was 91.5cms.

We used a metre ruler to measure two
white cupboards.
We discovered they were more than
1 metre long.

 Then we used force meters to weigh our school bags.  Look at how much our school bags weigh, at this rate we will be weight lifters!

I discovered my bag weighed

I discovered my bag weighed

I discovered my weighed

I discovered my bag weighed

I discovered my bag weighed

I discovered my bag weighed

I discovered my bag weighed

I discovered my bag weighed

I discovered my bag weighed

I discovered my bag weighed

Our last task was to explore how much water weighed.

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We discovered weighing water was tricky with the balance scales as they kept moving.
We all found out that 100mls weighs 100gms therefore 500mls weighed 500gms.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Reptile Park Through the Eyes of a Year 3

The tuatara is unique to New Zealand.  He felt cold to touch.  It had
spins on his back and has three eyes.  By Olivia
Alligators have a very big jaw and have
extremely powerful tails.  By Sophie
The baby turtles are so cuts and small.
Some baby turtles necks are as long as
a Giraffes.  By Sophie

Can you spot the green gecko?  I can!
By Daniel

The spikes on the iguana is to make it look
big and scary.  By Daniel

These water dragons are sunbathing
to warm up as they are cod blooded.
By Alex

Imagine this guy lurking around in your
attic!!  By Alex

A tortoise is a reptile and it is slow moving.
It has a hard shell on it's back..  It is cold
blooded.  By Anna

A tarantula is a mammal and it is fury.
It makes a web out of glass string.
By Anna

The tortoise has lots of scales on its short
legs.  It's tough shell has patterns like
people have finger prints to tell them apart
from each other.  By Michael

This monkey is 40 years old.  It lives
in a huge cage.  His name is Harrison.
By Michael

The tortoises are very slow and bumpy.  They can live for a long
time and grow till they are gigantic.  When I touched the turtles
shell it felt rough.  By Isabella

Alligators are long and brave.  They have
prickly looking bumps on their backs.
This one was very fat and can lay eggs.
By Ashlee

This skink was sunbathing to warm up.
They are cold blooded so need the sun
to get warm.  By Ashlee.

The tortoise is very slow and the shell
is so rough to touch.
By Charlee

Look at the bumpy and dry scales on the
water dragon.  By Charlee

The alligator has long teeth.
By Khushboo 

I touched the tortoise.  The tortoise shell
is like his bones.
By Khushboo

Lucky there were signs to tell us which
way to go.  By Ciaran

This turtle can swim in deep waters and walk on land.
It has a very long neck.  By Ciaran.
The bearded dragon felt soft and warm to touch.  He can climb
trees very well.  By Olivia

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Introducing Korimako Class of 2018

The stunning and clever Korimako class would like you to see their wonderful comical portraits they created of themselves.
To create these fantastic pieces the children experimented using paint for their faces.  The children had lots of fun tracing around their hands and feet and decorating them using coloured pencil and outlining them using vivid.  We discovered it was not so easy to trace around our own hands and feet and required some assistance from our classmates.  We also discovered we need lots of practice cutting out as some of us lost ends of fingers and toes.